Prof. Dr. med. Jörg Janne Vehreschild
Group Leader
„Dear Visitor,
Thank you for checking us out! Our research group „Cohorts in Infectious Disease and Cancer Research“ harbors all components of data-driven health research and rests on three main pillars: (i) epidemiology and data science, ranging from dataset design, over processing pipelines for clinical phenotyping to multivariable regression and machine learning analyses, (ii) medicine, ranging from study development to patient deployment with unique research targets, and (iii) IT with database, software, and app development.
Based on this work, our group coordinates national and international cohort consortia and real-world data collections, e.g. the German National COVID-19 cohort (NAPKON), the Clinical Communication Platform of the German Cancer Consortium (CCP), The impact of colonization with MDRO in complex surgical patients (TIARA), the Lean European Open Survey on SARS-CoV-2 (LEOSS), the Impact of Prescription Quality, Infection Control and Antimicrobial Stewardship on Gut Microbiota Domination by Healthcare-Associated Pathogens (PILGRIM) consortium, the Translational Platform HIV (TP-HIV), and the NUM Clinical Epidemiology and Study Platform (NUKLEUS).
We also participate in numerous national and international cohort trials and real-world data hubs, e.g. the EU Horizon2020 Connecting European Cohorts to Increase Common and Effective Response to SARS-CoV-2 Pandemic (ORCHESTRA) effort or the DIGital Institute for Cancer Outcomes REsearch (DIGICORE).
One day, we shall have a proper homepage where we present you the many beautiful facets of our work and all the details on the many other projects we are involved in. But for now, we need to focus on our new and exciting projects and have to leave you with this microsite, where you can explore the fantastic people that carry this group forward and find means to contact them.
If you want to know more about us or start a collaboration, please contact us anytime.
Best wishes,
Janne Vehreschild“
Prof. Dr. med. Jörg Janne Vehreschild
Group Leader
Our Team is currently located in Cologne and Frankfurt and affiliated with four German institutions: the University Hospital Frankfurt (UKF, associated with the Goethe University Frankfurt), the University Hospital Cologne (UKK, associated with the University of Cologne), the German Center for Infection Research (DZIF) and the German Cancer Consortium (DKTK, associated with the German Cancer Research Center (DKFZ) in Heidelberg).
Astrid Farowski
Finance, Controlling and Procurement
Nicole Katzschke
Office Management
Ludwig Montag
Coordinator IT Product and Process Management
Gabriel Sauer
M. Sc. Isabel Bröhl
Project Management
Projects: NAPKON
M. Sc. Isabel BröhlB. Sc. Audrey Brinker
Student Assistant
B. Sc. Kristina Knaub
Project Assistant
Projects: NUKLEUS, NUM Studiennetzwerk, Fachnetzwerk Infektionen
B. Sc. Kristina KnaubB. Sc. Vildan Rüzgar
Project Assistant
Projects: NUKLEUS, NUM Studiennetzwerk, Fachnetzwerk Infektionen
B. Sc. Vildan RüzgarM. Sc. Shimita Raquib
Project Management
Projects: NUKLEUS
M. Sc. Shimita RaquibDr. phil. Daniel Maier
Teamlead, Research Associate
Projects: DKTK-CCP
Dr. phil. Daniel MaierM. Sc. Stefanie Andreas
Research Associate
Projects: DKTK-CCP
M. Sc. Stefanie AndreasM. Sc. Katharina Appel
Research Associate
Lisa Falchetto
Doctoral Student (MD)
Dr. phil. Bernd Bender
Research Associate
Projects: DKTK-CCP
Dr. phil. Bernd BenderM. Sc. Fabienne Fox
Research Associate
Projects: DKTK CCP, onko-FDZ Aktuell in Elternzeit
M. Sc. Fabienne FoxM. A., M. Sc. Svenja Hahn
Research Associate
Dr. rer. nat. Sandra Meyer
Scientific Coordinator DKTK/CCP
Projects: DKTK-CCP
Dr. rer. nat. Sandra MeyerB. Sc. Bastian Reiter
Physician, Research Associate
Projects: DKTK-CCP
B. Sc. Bastian ReiterIsabel Schnorr
M. Sc. Linnea Schumann
Research Associate
Projects: DigiONE, PM4Onco
M. Sc. Linnea SchumannDipl.-Biol. Barbara Uhl
Scientific Coordinator DKTK/CCP
Projects: DKTK-CCP
Dipl.-Biol. Barbara UhlDr. phil. Margarete Scherer
Teamlead, Research Associate
Dr. rer. nat. Susana Nunes de Miranda
Research Associate
Lene Tscharntke
Doctoral Student (MD)
Patricia Sakwinski
Doctoral Student (MD)
Projects: LEOSS
Patricia SakwinskiPatricia Wagner
Research Associate
Projects: NAPKON
Patricia WagnerDavid Brilz
Doctoral Student (MD)
Marie Engelhard
Research Associate (M.Sc.)
Projekten PEPP-C, Isavuconazol-Register und Fidaxomicin-Register
Marie EngelhardMarie Laug
Doctoral Student (MD)
Projects: CoCoNut
Marie LaugPascal Pischer
Doctoral Student (MD)
Projects: Prediction Models
Pascal PischerKatharina Tilch
Doctoral Student (MD)
Dr. rer. nat. Ramsia Geisler
Teamlead, Research Associate
Projects: NAPKON, TI BBD, RISK PRINCIPE, Infektiopedia
Dr. rer. nat. Ramsia GeislerB. Sc. Melissa Beste
Student Assistant
Dr. Meta Bönniger
Research Associate
Projects: TI BBD
Dr. Meta BönnigerM. Sc. Karin Fiedler
Research Associate
Projects: NUM Studiennetzwerk, Fachnetzwerk Infektionen, NapCode
M. Sc. Karin FiedlerMarkus Brechtel
Teamlead, DevOps Security Engineer
Markus BrechtelChristian Akele
Aleksandr Belonozhkin
Software Developer
M. Eng. Eray Güçlü
Elias Hamacher
Chin-Huang Lee
Projects: NUKLEUS, NUM Studiennetzwerk
Chin-Huang LeeRobert Martincevic
Tom-Robin Raja
DevOps Engineer
B. Sc. Nils Tulke
Developer and Study Coordinator
Projects: NUKLEUS, NUM Studiennetzwerk, Fachnetzwerk Infektionen
B. Sc. Nils TulkeDr. rer. nat. Vasilii Tulskii
DevOps Engineer
Projects: NUKLEUS, ONCOnnect, RPS
Dr. rer. nat. Vasilii Tulskii